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# on Topo: 

Job's Tribulations (Yisurei Eyov)


First ascensionists' grade:

VII+, 5.11

Max estimated grade:





First Ascent:


Yoav Nir, Hanina Kali

Year of FA:


# of bolts en route:



From "base-camp", above and right of monastery parking lot , walk up a short distance to the two cement pools at the base of main gully leading up to the farshes of Safsafa. Continue up to the base of slabs at the convergence of main gully with "descent gully". The route starts at these slabs up to prominent reddish - brown face .Then up to cracks leading to an arch shaped crack which in turn leads to a very prominent V - crack at the top of the cliff. In general the route is the first obvious route to the left of "Zig Zag".

Route description

Pitch1: Climb easy slabs 50m, 5.5.

Pitch2: Climb crack and continue up slabs 45m, 5.6.

Pitch3: Climb crack and continue up slabs 45m, 5.6.

Pitch4: Up choppy blocks, 45m to base of prominent face, 5.5

Pitch5: Delicate face and crack climbing up face (left hand side of very open dihedral), 5.11 to 5.10, then traverse left (5.10, 40m)

Pitch6: Up knob (take many slings, much rope drag), exit right and then traverse far left till "hidden" dyke/gully (5.8,45m).

Pitch7: Reestablish belay on the other side of gully, climb cracks then step left and continue up to arch crack (it like a frown, not a smile). This crack is actually a flaring off-width but it's well protected. The top half is a walkable traverse, left to half hanging belay. 45m, 5.10

Pitch8: Take right hand arm of V crack system. This off-width chimney is protected from deep inside it's "bowels", then climb from outside and up to hand-jam cracks till belay on sloping slabs above. 45m,5.10.


Left to gully, two fixed rappels lead to "descent gully".

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